Russell’s doctrine of space and time in connection with Kant’s transcendental aesthetics




mathematics, logicism, forms of intuition, topology, epistemology, neorealist, psychological space and time


Author demonstrates that Russell’s conception of space and time diverges from Kant’s transcendental aesthetics and leans towards logical and mathematical topology. Russell’s approach is grounded in analytical rather than synthetic judgments, contrasting with Kant’s perspective. The British philosopher develops a subjective-psychological model of space and time that complements the logical-mathematical model, serving as the foundation for human experience and cognition. This Russellian model considers the psychological aspects of perceptual and tactile space and time, highlighting their intersection in human perception, which facilitates the experience. It represents a form of «return» to Kant’s subjective theory, albeit on psychological rather than transcendental principles. It is argued that Russell incorporates physical topology into subjective-psychological space and time because he views things as physical objects rather than a complex of sensory associations. This incorporation is indicative of Russell's commitment to neorealism.

Author Biography

Viktor Kozlovskyi, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies


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How to Cite

Kozlovskyi, V. (2024). Russell’s doctrine of space and time in connection with Kant’s transcendental aesthetics. Sententiae, 43(2), 6–32.






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