Vocabulary that philosophizes





language, concept, term, translation, logic, thinking, homonymy, ontology


The philosophical meaning of the “Vocabulaire européen des philosophies: Dictionnaire des intraduisibles” consists not only in its virtues as a dictionary of a new type. We show that this “Lexicon of Untranslatabilities” is an original work of contemporary philosophizing. This edition is fundamentally teamwork, uncompletable, growing, branching. The main features of the Dictionary as a philosophical work are as follows: (1) It is an interactive hypertext that creates new texts; (2) It is a collection not of words, but of “events of naming one’s thought.”

Untranslatable multilingualism of these terms involves the reader into a thought that is not closed in terms, not grasped by the mono-logos, unremovable. This situation every time in a new way problematizes the relationship between word, concept, thinking and that which is.

Author Biography

Anatoly Akhutin

PhD, philosopher, translator.


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Abstract views: 186



How to Cite

Akhutin, A. (2020). Vocabulary that philosophizes. Sententiae, 39(1), 91–108. https://doi.org/10.31649/sent39.01.091






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