An Imaginative Meeting at the Entrance to the Temple of Apollo at Delphi: Self-knowledge and Self-love in Johann Georg Hamann and Hryhorii Skovoroda. Comparative analysis


  • Roland Pietsch Ukrainian Free University (Munich)



Johann Georg Hamann, Hryhorii Skovoroda, self-knowledge, self-love, Socratic ignorance, Narcissus myth, divinization, Franz von Baader, Proclus, modern subjectivism


At First, the article analyses Hamann’s path to self-knowledge and self-love as a path of Socratic ignorance, which is indeed the highest form of knowledge. For Hamann Socrates is the predecessor of Christ, and Socratic ignorance (I know that I know nothing) is the path to divinization. Subsequently, it is pointed out, how Hryhorii Skovoroda explains the path of self-knowledge and self-love. To illustrate this thought, he makes use of the Ovidian Narcissus myth. Concerning the figure of Narcissus, Skovoroda distinguishes the following three aspects: 1. The Egyptian Narcissus, 2. The Hebraic Narcissus and 3. The Christian Narcissus, i.e. Jesus Christ. These three aspects and corresponding assertions of the Bible designate Skovoroda’s path to divinization. Finally, it points out similarities between Hamann’s and Skovoroda’s understanding of self-knowing and self-love and their fundamental impact for the philosophy of Franz von Baader and his criticism of modern subjectivism.

Author Biography

Roland Pietsch, Ukrainian Free University (Munich)

Dr. theol., Professor of Philosophy


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How to Cite

Pietsch, R. (2018). An Imaginative Meeting at the Entrance to the Temple of Apollo at Delphi: Self-knowledge and Self-love in Johann Georg Hamann and Hryhorii Skovoroda. Comparative analysis. Sententiae, 37(1), 47–64.






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