The Divine Wisdom – The Blossom of Light from the Heart of God. A survey on the essentials of Jacob Boehme’s Sophiology


  • Roland Pietsch Ukrainian Free University (Munich)



divine wisdom, Holy Spirit, God, Theosophy, German mysticism, man


Jakob Boehme (1575-1624) is the most important German mystic and theosophist of modern times. His influence in Germany and the world is manifold.

The article briefly examines the sources (visions and inspirations) of Boehme’s mysticism and theosophy. Subsequently, it offers an outline of the principles of his sophiology: God as the will of wisdom and wisdom as his revelation; the role of divine wisdom or the eternal wisdom on the noble Virgin Sophia in the creation of the world and man; and finally their participation in the salvation and rebirth of humankind.

Author Biography

Roland Pietsch, Ukrainian Free University (Munich)

Dr. theol., Professor of Philosophy


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How to Cite

Pietsch, R. (2019). The Divine Wisdom – The Blossom of Light from the Heart of God. A survey on the essentials of Jacob Boehme’s Sophiology. Sententiae, 38(2), 58–85.






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