Bakhtin’s philosophy of act in the context of the metaphysical project of Russian idealism


  • Andriy Vasylchenko National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy"



Michail Bakhtin’s philosophy of act is considered as a metaphysical project. Bakhtin’s conception is explored in a wider context of the metaphysical project of Russian existentialism. Interpretations of the term “truth”, which correspond to different versions of existentialism, are compared. Shestov’s existentialist particularism, Berdiaev’s actualistic personalism, Bakhtin’s ethical existentialism are analysed. Existentialist implications of Gregory Palama’s metaphysics of light are considered.

Author Biography

Andriy Vasylchenko, National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy"

Ph.D. in philosophy (University of Manchester), senior researcher at the Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; senior lecturer at the Department of philosophy and religious studies


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How to Cite

Vasylchenko, A. (2012). Bakhtin’s philosophy of act in the context of the metaphysical project of Russian idealism. Sententiae, 26(1), 121–138.






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