The foundations of the historical-philosophical reconstruction of the political philosophy of Thomas Hobbes


  • Natalia Spasenko Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv



Theory of experience, philosophia prima, episteme, matrix, language


The article is devoted to the role of language, conceptual schemes, ontology and epistemic losses in the works of Thomas Hobbes. The author highlights two types of interpretive schemes: (1) emphasis on systematic unity and integrity in Hobbes's work, (2) consideration of Hobbes' works as a set of individual parts. Two ways of justifying the political philosophy of Thomas Hobbes are also investigated: based on prudence and definitive (scientific). The author justifies that philosophia prima is Hobbes's theory of experience and that it is human experience that makes science possible.


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How to Cite

Spasenko, N. (2005). The foundations of the historical-philosophical reconstruction of the political philosophy of Thomas Hobbes. Sententiae, 12(1), 54–69.






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