Leibniz's Logic and Metaphysics Article 2





Substance, truth, order, unity, physics


Leibniz sought to solve the metaphysical problem of reality, avoiding ontological premises. His intensional method was aimed at the logical solution of the problem, preserving the objectivity and unobstructed metaphysical research. Metaphysics can provide a certain level of coherence to the phenomena of physics and make them more real. Leibniz was convinced that physics, for its part, should be grounded in metaphysical principles. This promotes a reciprocal relationship between physics and metaphysics, where metaphysical principles derive their reality from physical principles, and the two fields are interrelated. If we recognize the reality of the laws of physics, then we must also recognize the reality of the concept of substance. His position is that the laws of mathematical physics predict the existence of real substances, which makes it possible to move from mathematical objects to real substances. This method of substantiating the reality of substance and metaphysical principles can be considered as the foundations of the transcendental method. Leibniz's metaphysical approach is that necessary truths exist by themselves and do not depend on specific objects of study or perception. He regarded these truths as eternal.


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How to Cite

Sekundant, S. (2005). Leibniz’s Logic and Metaphysics Article 2. Sententiae, 12(1), 39–54. https://doi.org/10.31649/sent12.01.039






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