The concept of power (potentia) in the metaphysics of Benedict Spinoza


  • Rostyslav Dymerets



substance, existence, law, causa efficiens, potestas


The author examines Spinoza's view of (1) the relationship between modes of substance and divine power, particularly in the context of the limitations of each individual mode, (2) the process of realizing divine power within a specific mode. The text proves that the representation of all things as modes of substance, or divine modes, allows Spinoza to endow them with divine power. For a thing that exists in time and has duration, the preservation of existence means creation. Thus, maintaining the existence of a thing is identical to its creation. The power of a substance, expressed in its potency, is manifested in the duration of a thing. The specified duration is a manifestation of the substance's power, that is, its ability to create, preserve, and destroy things in their existence.


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How to Cite

Dymerets, R. (2005). The concept of power (potentia) in the metaphysics of Benedict Spinoza. Sententiae, 12(1), 3–23.






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