The gnoseological foundations of Descartes' algebra


  • Volodymyr Baranov



The author describes the Cartesian way of solving the problem of the universal method in mathematics, in particular, the problem of applying algebra in geometry when it comes to the convergence of a discrete number and a continuous quantity. The article shows that the solution to this problem proposed by F. Viète is imperfect, since it introduces vague pseudo-geometric objects, and the geometric quantity is still far from an algebraic number. The author proves that Descartes' solution to this problem through the use of Eudoxus proportions is based on such Cartesian epistemological principles as: the requirement of clarity and expressiveness of thinking; the idea of the central role of a holistic mathematical science; the idea of the existence of a simple and obvious nature of length as a basis for comparing all extended things; the elevation of the concept of ratio to the rank of a single subject of mathematical disciplines.


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How to Cite

Baranov, V. (2003). The gnoseological foundations of Descartes’ algebra. Sententiae, 8(1), 120–131.






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