Some features of communication in the cognitive process




Through the analysis of the perceptual and interactive aspects of communication in their application to the cognitive process, the author demonstrates the importance of inter-individual communication in cognitive processes, and that communication alone creates the structures of the cognitive process. Having examined subject-subject and subject-object relations, the author proves that it is the subject-subject orientation that becomes the guiding one in the cognitive process, which is reflected not only at the level of everyday but also scientific communication. The author comes to the conclusion that the completeness of the cognitive process is possible provided that the direct interaction of the subject and the object is supplemented by interpersonal communication with other subjects, and that intersubjective contacts play a significant role in subject-object cognition. According to the author, communication creates the structures of the cognitive process, since the latter is contractual in nature.


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Abstract views: 67



How to Cite

Danyliak, R. (2003). Some features of communication in the cognitive process. Sententiae, 8(1), 34–42.






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