The legitimacy of using the term "Nova Doba" in historical and philosophical studies




Based on the etymological, historical and philosophical analysis, the author of the article examines the term «Nova Doba» and notes the positive and negative consequences of its use. Through the analysis of foreign language equivalents of this term, demarcation of the concepts of «chas» and «doba» and the word «novyy», the author reveals the incorrectness of the term «Novyy chas» (Modern age). The incorrectness of the concept is manifested in the discrepancy between the word «chas» and its foreign language analogues «Temps», «Age» and «Times». Also, according to the author, «chas» has the meaning of an indefinite sequential duration, unlike the concept of «doba», which postulates a specifically defined period of time. The author concludes that the concepts of «Novyy chas» and «Nova Doba» are incorrect due to the relativity of the word «novyy» (new). Instead of the analysed commonly used terms, in the author's opinion, it is more appropriate to use the term «prosvitnytstvo» (enlightenment) to characterise the relevant historical and philosophical epoch.


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How to Cite

Didenko, L. (2003). The legitimacy of using the term "Nova Doba" in historical and philosophical studies. Sententiae, 8(1), 26–34.






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