Abstract law and actual reality: social critique from F. Poullain de la Barre to Charles Fourier





feminism, Cartesianism, women's rights, social criticism, French Revolution, natural law, Enlightenment


The article compares the views of François Poullain de la Barre and Charles Fourier on gender equality. The research is based on the background of historical and philosophical transformations associated with the transition from Cartesian rationalism to enlightenment and post-enlightenment thinking. The latter focuses primarily on social criticism and human transformation through the transformation of social relations. Although the author states that some of the provisions of French philosophers have a common origin (the ideological potential of Cartesianism and the modern doctrine of natural law), they interpret the target aspect differently. While Poullain de la Barre seeks to prove the identity of men's and women's abilities, Fourier's task is to find practical grounds that will allow for real equality of the sexes. In addition, the degree of equality achieved by women is derived from the degree of overcoming social (in particular, economic) injustice in general.


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How to Cite

Slobodianuk, O. (2002). Abstract law and actual reality: social critique from F. Poullain de la Barre to Charles Fourier. Sententiae, 5(1), 130–143. https://doi.org/10.31649/sent05.01.130






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