Naturalness and equality: the specifics of modern naturalism in the realm of political philosophy




Law, right, freedom, citizen


The article proves that modern political philosophy is based on the concept of "individual" and on the abstract principle of "equality of individuals". But this abstract principle does not provide for "content expansion" in all possible directions without exception. Therefore, inattention to gender equality or cultural equality does not prevent, for example, Locke from recognizing the natural equality of all people. This circumstance can be considered an ideological source of the "modern paradox": the recognition of the natural equality of all people does not guarantee the automatic granting of political rights to women or providing them equal opportunities for professional and career growth with men.


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How to Cite

Slobodianuk, O. (2005). Naturalness and equality: the specifics of modern naturalism in the realm of political philosophy. Sententiae, 12(1), 199–219.






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