The shift from spirit to culture: poetics of the commonplace




Modern philosophy, postmodernity, Ernst Cassirer, symbolic forms, post-industrial society


The article considers the poetics of the common place as a postmodern principle of philosophical criticism. Traditional critics is always aimed at a "finished work", a "text", an "artefact" that has a certain meaning. In the "artefact", the researcher and critic tried to find what Heidegger defined as the truth in the work itself. Instead, postmodernism produces artefacts as such. The transition from the project of modernity to the postmodern space of artefacts follows in two ways: (1) through overcoming the growing conservatism of traditional understanding and (2) through the ideological influence of postmodernity as a cultural movement that has taken the form of contemporary symbolic expressions. According to the author, the postmodern culture of philosophizing attempts to substantiate the idea of becoming through singular experimentation in artistic and philosophical practice, i.e. through the search for an appropriate form to reflect the subject areas of becoming. In addition, the emphasis in the description of becoming is clearly shifting: from the terms of spirit to the terms of culture.


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How to Cite

Holovashenko , I. . (2000). The shift from spirit to culture: poetics of the commonplace. Sententiae, 1(1), 226–232.






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