“More than the Interview”. Overview of the section “Oral History of Philosophy” in the Journal “Filosofska Dumka”





oral history of philosophy, interview, genres of philosophizing, historico-philosophical source, methodology of historico-philosophical research


The article analyses how the oral history of philosophy can be conceptualized as a genre and a discipline of the history of philosophy. The need for this kind of conceptualization arose due to recent spreading of interviews in the genre of the oral history of philosophy, which in turn became a subject for the special issue The Oral History of Philosophy in Filosofska Dumka. Analysing this issue, the author proves that the “dialoguing” nature of the interview builds inflated expectations about the oral history as well as its boundaries as an approach in a historical-philosophical study. He also suggests distinguishing the interview as a genre of oral philosophy – dialogue, which is a traditional philosophical literary form, from a tool in historical-philosophical study. In the latter case, it is important to determine who will play a role of a historian: an author of historical narration, an interviewee or an interviewer. Depending on the answer to the previous question, the author distinguishes three possible perspectives of the oral history of philosophy development: an interview as a self-sufficient study in the history of philosophy, an interview as a self-sufficient source for historical-philosophical research and an interview as one of sources for historical-philosophical research. Each of them has its opportunities for a historian of philosophy and plays its role in recruiting students and doctoral students (who often are involved as interviewers) to research work.


Author Biography

Serhii Yosypenko, Hr. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, NAS Ukraine

Doctor of sciences in philosophy, Head of the Department of the History of Ukrainian Philosophy


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Overview of the section “Oral History of Philosophy” in the Journal “Filosofska Dumka”


Abstract views: 477



How to Cite

Yosypenko, S. (2019). “More than the Interview”. Overview of the section “Oral History of Philosophy” in the Journal “Filosofska Dumka”. Sententiae, 38(2), 86–97. https://doi.org/10.22240/sent38.02.086



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