Wilhelm Windelband: The History of Philosophy as Organon and as Integral Part of Philosophy





Hegel, Ch. Wolff, K. L. Reinhold, psychologism, historical relativism, philosophical education


The article analyzes Wilhelm Windelband’s views on the problem of the relation of philosophy to its history. Windelband’s essay “History of philosophy” (1905) is put as a starting point. The main motive for this research is the idea that the history of philosophy is an organon and a component of philosophy. The article critically examines Windelband’s interpretation of (1) Hegel’s conception of the history of philosophy, (2) the question about the grounds of philosophers’ interest in the history of philosophy, (3) the problem of development of the history of philosophy as a science (Wissenschaft). The author assesses Windelband’s role in the development of the history of philosophy as a science is important, despite some accusations of partisanship. The main merit of Windelband, according to the author, is (1) a critique of Psychologism and Historical Relativism and (2) the justification of the history of philosophy’s main role in education as a whole and in the philosophical education in particular.

Author Biography

Sergii Secundant, I. Mechnikov Odessa National University

doctor of sciences in philosophy, Head of Department of Philosophy and Grounds of Humanities


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How to Cite

Secundant, S. (2018). Wilhelm Windelband: The History of Philosophy as Organon and as Integral Part of Philosophy. Sententiae, 37(2), 62–92. https://doi.org/10.22240/sent37.02.062






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