The Concept of the “I” in Fichte’s Explanation of Substantiality


  • Christian Klotz Federal University of Goiás



Fichte, subject, substance, epistemic activity of the subject, identifiability (Bestimmbarkeit), Ch. Wolff, I. Kant, S. Maimon


 The paper deals with Fichte’s conception of substantiality formulated in «Foundations of the Science of Knowledge» (1794). The author claims that according to Fichte the self-ascription of an epistemic activity to the subject is possible only if we can think subject as the substance, to which we could ascribe all possible epistemic activities. Furthemore, the author shows the development of the concept of definability (Bestimmbarkeit), which is of the utmost importance for the understanding of Fichte’s concept of substantiality, by Wolff, Kant, and Maimon.

Author Biography

Christian Klotz, Federal University of Goiás

PhD, Associate Professor


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Kant, I. (1998). Kritik der reinen Vernunft. (J. Timmermann, Hrsg.). Hamburg: Meiner.

Maimon, S. (1790). Versuch über die Transscendentalphilosophie mit einem Anhang über die symbolische Erkenntnis und Anmerkungen. Berlin: C. F. Voss.

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Abstract views: 390



How to Cite

Klotz, C. (2014). The Concept of the “I” in Fichte’s Explanation of Substantiality. Sententiae, 31(2), 75–86.






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