Losev’s interpretation of Schelling’s aesthetics


  • Konstantin Derevyanko Vladimir Dal East-Ukrainian National University




Losev, Schelling, Aesthetics, Absolute, Nature, Arts.


The article analyses interpretation of Schelling’s aesthetics in Losev’s work «The very itself» (Samoe samo). It shows that Losev’s translation of the «Philosophy of arts» deformes some Schelling’s ideas about the Absolute, nature and arts. It makes the interpretation of his aesthetical conception non-immanent and non-relevant.

Author Biography

Konstantin Derevyanko, Vladimir Dal East-Ukrainian National University

PhD in philosophy, Associate professor of the Practical philosophy and theology Department


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Abstract views: 331



How to Cite

Derevyanko, K. (2012). Losev’s interpretation of Schelling’s aesthetics. Sententiae, 27(2), 77–84. https://doi.org/10.22240/sent27.02.077






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