Duality of National Consciousness as an Existential and a Research Topic (Vasil Zenkovsky’s Experience)





national philosophy, Ukrainian philosophy, Russian philosophy, national consciousness duality, cultural parallelism


National philosophy as a research topic in relation to Ukraine has its peculiar features. The national philosophy, in this case, cannot signify only Ukrainian philosophy, strictly ethnically limited (meeting either geographic or mental criteria). This entails an inevitable question of delimitation between Russian and Ukrainian philosophies. The only way to solve this unavoidable question is to recognize the duality of national consciousness as well as cultural parallelism, suggested by V. Zenkovsky for solving problems in relationships between Russia and Ukraine.

Author Biography

Gennadii Aliaiev, Philosophy at Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University

Doctor of sciences in Philosophy, professor, Head of the Department


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How to Cite

Aliaiev, G. (2014). Duality of National Consciousness as an Existential and a Research Topic (Vasil Zenkovsky’s Experience). Sententiae, 30(1), 7–23. https://doi.org/10.22240/sent30.01.007






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