Monad`s memory in the system of "preestablished harmony"


  • Konstantin Shevtsov Saint-Petersburg State University



Leibniz disputes the ontological argument of Anselm and Descartes, because he does not find in it a demonstration of the possibility of the concept of God, namely justification of the consistency of this concept. As the latter requires an agreement of a single human will and the will of the Creator, the problem of this proof cannot be solved by a priori arguments, but also requires a posteriori argument, based on the reliability of the internal experience of consciousness. This paper, basing on Monadology and New Essays Concerning Human Understanding, analyzes Leibniz’s understanding of the role of memory in constituting the experience of continuity of consciousness and the connection of the concept of memory with the arguments from Theodicy.

Author Biography

Konstantin Shevtsov, Saint-Petersburg State University

PhD ih philosophy, Ontology and Epistemology Department, Faculty of Philosophy


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Abstract views: 417



How to Cite

Shevtsov, K. (2012). Monad`s memory in the system of "preestablished harmony". Sententiae, 27(2), 29–45.






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