The Problem of the Dual Character of Logic (a Historical-Logical Survey)




history of logic, formal logic, informal logic, aristotelian paradigm in logic, fregean paradigm in logic


This paper argued that interpreting logic solely as a formal discipline is unjustified, as this science has always included a significant informal component related to its application in argumentative discourse. The Aristotelian paradigm, based on the subject-predicate approach to the logical-philosophical analysis of language, has influenced the history of logic significantly. The functional analysis of language introduced by Gottlob Frege marked a shift to the modern logical paradigm. This led to the rise of symbolic logic, disrupting the established balance between the formal and informal components of logical knowledge for a time. The application of the latest analytical methods in informal logic has enabled research in this field to meet contemporary scientific standards. This development helps restore the balance between the formal and informal aspects of general logic.

Author Biographies

Iryna Khomenko, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Head of the Department of Logic

Yaroslav Shramko, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University

Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Professor, Rector


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How to Cite

Khomenko, I., & Shramko, Y. (2024). The Problem of the Dual Character of Logic (a Historical-Logical Survey). Sententiae, 43(3), 129–143.






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