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Classical Indian philosophy in the Oxford series “History of Philosophy without any gaps”. Adamson, P., & Ganeri, J. (2020). Classical Indian Philosophy: a History of Philosophy Without any Gaps. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Volume 5.




culturological approach in the history of philosophy, Vilen Gorsky, the classical period of Indian philosophy, wisdom, moksha, śramaṇas


Review of Adamson, P., & Ganeri, J. (2020). Classical Indian Philosophy: a History of Philosophy Without any Gaps. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Volume 5.

Author Biography

Yurii Zavhorodnii, Hr. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, NAS of Ukraine

Doctor of sciences in Philosophy, Senior Researcher


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How to Cite

Zavhorodnii, Y. (2021). Classical Indian philosophy in the Oxford series “History of Philosophy without any gaps”. Adamson, P., & Ganeri, J. (2020). Classical Indian Philosophy: a History of Philosophy Without any Gaps. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Volume 5. Sententiae, 40(2), 66–84.



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