Johann Augustus Eberhard’s “The Pre-Socratic philosophy”




J. A. Eberhard coined term “the Pre-Socratic philosophy” under the influence of the three factors. The first factor is the Diogenes Laertius’ model of successions of opinions that served as the basis of the modern historiography of ancient philosophy. The second factor is the opposition of Socrates and his forerunning philosophers on the basis of the opposition of physics and ethics introduced by Xenophon, Plato, Cicero, and Diogenes Laertius in different time. The third factor is the Eberhard’s notion of Socrates as the ideal moral human being in context of the Enlightenment.

Author Biography

Konstantyn Rayhert, Mechniсkov Odessa National University

a lecturer at the Department of Philosophy for Natural Sciences Faculties


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How to Cite

Rayhert, K. (2012). Johann Augustus Eberhard’s “The Pre-Socratic philosophy”. Sententiae, 26(1), 110–120.






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