Global world versus virtual town




the Modernity, medieval studies, Middle Ages, Renaissance, Temple


The author analyses the phenomena of the development of modern urban civilisation, which have direct analogues in the development of cities in medieval Europe. According to the author, it is the Renaissance thematisation of the urban world that has acquired the character of permanent relevance, which is still in demand today. Through the experience of medieval studies and analysis of U. Eco's works, the author proves that the principles of medieval urban ideology were more like the ideological foundations of the pre-antique urban world, developed by Old Testament urban motifs. The image of the Temple as a special Jerusalem origin of the Christian urban tradition opens up the possibility to consider the material world of the city in the perspective of the symbolic or imaginary world, and in this perspective the original ambivalence of the City's aspirations is revealed.


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Abstract views: 51



How to Cite

Solodka, O. (2005). Global world versus virtual town. Sententiae, 13(2), 123–132.






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