"Theory of Modern" as a "crisis" programme of philosophy


  • Olena Solodka Kyiv National Linguistic University




crisis, philosophy of culture, rhetoric, mythmaking


The author advocates the hypothesis that the concept of «crisis» is born not within the framework of postmodern philosophy, but within the «theory of modernity», i.e. in the perspective of Kant and Hegel. The theory of modernity is primarily understood as the theory of the crisis of rationality, which is marked by the transition to «procedural rationality». The latter is associated with the introduction of a number of philosophemes that are the object of study in this article: «crisis», «modernity», «criticism», «encyclopaedia», «progress», «civilisation», «culture», «consciousness».


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How to Cite

Solodka, O. (2002). "Theory of Modern" as a "crisis" programme of philosophy. Sententiae, 5(1), 71–90. https://doi.org/10.31649/sent05.01.071






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