What is “the ontological difference” in Gilles Deleuze’s philosophy?


  • Denis Skopin Russian Academy of Science’ Institute of Philosophy




negation, identity, tendency, dialectics, differentiation


The article is devoted to the problem of the interpretation of the philosophical texts. There is analysed Gilles Deleuze’s approach to the interpretation of the cartesianism (on an example of the chapter X of his book «Spinoza et le probleme de l’expression»). This approach which is different from a traditional one consists of the creating and making “experiment”: a model of the cartesianism faces with a model of of the spinozisme and losts in this collision. Through an analysis of the concepts of difference in Aristotle, Plato, Hegel, Bergson and Nietzsche, the author shows that Deleuze's approach is positive and new, because here the affirmation prevails over the negation and it is the negation of the old. Deleuze shows that difference has always been presented in the perspective of identity, and analyses existing interpretations of difference in terms of their relationship to certain types of identity.


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Abstract views: 63



How to Cite

Skopin, D. (2005). What is “the ontological difference” in Gilles Deleuze’s philosophy?. Sententiae, 13(2), 111–123. https://doi.org/10.31649/sent13.02.111






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