Kant’s Visions through the Prism of Modern Philosophy: the Problem of the Human Dimension of Being





man, postmodernity, world, being, cognition


The readers of the article can observe the connection between the conceptual theses of modern philosophic schools (i.e. phenomenology, existentialism, structuralism, postmodernist philosophy) and Kant’s researches of the problem of the adequacy of the human being and the world. Stressing Kant’s primogeniture in discovering and researching the opposition between “the world of a human’s acts” and “the world of the nature’s determinations”, the Author comes to the conclusion that the ontological demarcation between the two worlds – the natural world and the world, freely created by a human being – which was grounded by Kant, is now lost by the modern philosophy. According to this modernity it is still a long way to a new stratum of Kant’s achievements, to a new confirmation of the difference and the parity of the two dimensions of the being.


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How to Cite

Meteljova, T. (2005). Kant’s Visions through the Prism of Modern Philosophy: the Problem of the Human Dimension of Being. Sententiae, 13(2), 92–102. https://doi.org/10.31649/sent13.02.092






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