“The space of mind” and stating of reliability in Descartes’s philosophy


  • Denys Prokopov Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv




idea, doubt, thinking, existence, concept


The article investigates the process of establishing reliability in the philosophy of R. Descartes in the context of his epistemological transformation within the theory of knowledge. The author tries to find answers to the questions of what is the mind that Descartes finds through the procedure of methodological doubt, why we characterise it as a spatially defined mind, and what is the coordinate system that allows us to interpret the mind in terms of something more than a simple set of ideas. The author analyses the founding and development of the tradition of substantiating the validity of the world, which was characteristic of modern philosophy and the process of cognition with the thesis of the absolute validity of reason.


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How to Cite

Prokopov, D. (2005). “The space of mind” and stating of reliability in Descartes’s philosophy. Sententiae, 13(2), 20–29. https://doi.org/10.31649/sent13.02.020






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