Wozu Ludwig Feuerbach? (On the 200th anniversary of his birth) 1804 - 2004


  • Yuri Kushakov




The author aims at an objective reinterpretation of L.Feuerbach's doctrine and refuting the prejudices that exist in the historical and philosophical tradition in relation to the Feuerbachian philosophical system. Through an analysis of Feuerbach's views on such concepts as the historical and philosophical paradigm, the relation of man to the world, dialectics and religion, the author concludes that these elements of Feuerbach's doctrine were distorted by K. Marx, F. Engels and their followers. The author demonstrates through Feuerbachian responses to 11 theses of Marx by H.M. Sass that some aspects of Feuerbach's philosophy remain relevant to philosophy, and that the founders of Marxism distorted Feuerbach's doctrine in order to distinguish their philosophical system as more modern and true.


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How to Cite

Kushakov, Y. (2003). Wozu Ludwig Feuerbach? (On the 200th anniversary of his birth) 1804 - 2004. Sententiae, 8(1), 60–76. https://doi.org/10.31649/sent08.01.060






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