The experience of the personality act according to Karol Wojtyla's theory




This article contains the interpretation of Karol Wojtyla's report entitled "The Personality Structure of Self-Determination» and the basic aspects of Wojtyla's personality act theory. The topic of personal self-determination is central for contemporary Thomistic philosophical anthropology. The development of this topic by Karol Wojtyla includes realistic phenomenological notion of experience and classical Thomistic principles of act and potency. The philosophical analysis of experience of the effectiveness of personality emphasizes multidimensional orientation of the article. Consideration of personality’s self-determination brings axiological, ethical and theological aspects to philosophical anthropology.

Author Biography

Inna Savynska, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Applicant for PhD in philosophy at the Department of Philosophy


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Abstract views: 313



How to Cite

Savynska, I. (2010). The experience of the personality act according to Karol Wojtyla’s theory. Sententiae, 23(2), 164–172.






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