Jan Śniadecki’s Philosophical Interpretations of the Concepts Explaining Beauty and Art





aesthetic taste, imagination, style, aesthetics of the Scottish common sense school, Classicism, Romanticism


Analysing Śniadecki’s articles and chapters from his “Philosophy of Human Mind” dealing with the problems of aesthetic taste, style, wit, imagination and essence of beauty, we question a view of Śniadecki as a dogmatic proponent of Classicism and an enemy to Romanticism, which, in our view, is based on in-depth studies of his most famous nevertheless only one article “On Classical and Romantic Writings”. We suppose that French aesthetics is not the exclusive keystone of Śniadecki’s ideas. Therefore, we examine the peculiarities of his thought in the context of their relationship with the ideas by philosophers of the Scottish school of common sense and argue that these are close. His descriptions of taste and style, of the roles of imagination and sensory expressions are similar to Reid's and Stewart's ones. We show that Śniadecki strives to substantiate the objectivist view of aesthetics and rationally explain the essence of beauty and art, but, by surprise, his thought about the relationship between genius and rules is recalling Kantian view. Our conclusion is that Sniadecki's ideas might be attributed to at least neo-Classical, or even to pre-Romanticist period.

Author Biography

Ruta Marija Vabalaite, Lithuanian Culture Research Institute

Doctor of humanities in philosophy, scientific researcher


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How to Cite

Vabalaite, R. M. (2020). Jan Śniadecki’s Philosophical Interpretations of the Concepts Explaining Beauty and Art. Sententiae, 39(1), 54–60. https://doi.org/10.31649/sent39.01.054






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