Reception studies: a new Classics? On Greek and Roman Classics in the British Struggle for Social Reform (Ed. Edith Hall, Henry Stead: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015)




Reception, Classical Studies, Classical reception studies


The article represents analysis of the development of British Classics during the last two decades based on the compilation Greek and Roman Classics in the British Struggle for Social Reform and the main theoretical texts of reception studies. Reception studies proposed a new methodology, which is able to overcome the limits of isolated disciplines in studies of classics. Today there are three positions on the question of terminological and methodological perspectives in this research direction: a conservative humanism of C. Martindale, a democratic pluralism of L. Hardwick and an open culturocentricism of S. Goldhill. The contradictions of the stated positions provide a wide range of questions. (1) How to make a proper link from theory to practical research? (2) How to keep methodological flexibility without falling into relativism? (3) Which particular discipline has to take the central place in the whole reception studies corpus?

Author Biography

Olena Pohonchenkova, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov University

doctoral student of Philosophy and Methodology of Cognition Department


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How to Cite

Pohonchenkova, O. (2017). Reception studies: a new Classics? On Greek and Roman Classics in the British Struggle for Social Reform (Ed. Edith Hall, Henry Stead: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015). Sententiae, 36(2), 133–145.



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