Іs It Possible That Kyiv Rus’ Political Writings Will Become a Research Object of the History of Ukrainian Philosophy?





political philosophy, written monuments of Kyiv Rus, political practice


This article is devoted to political philosophy in the texts of Kyiv Rus. The author decides that the program of such research should include: delineation of Kyiv Rus range of written sources where we can find certain political and philosophical content; research of attributes Kyiv Rus’ writing, which turned it into an independent political reality; analysis of certain forms of written text, which were being used as a tool political manipulation; study of influence of the written heritage of Kyiv Rus on the policy of following centuries and policy today.


Author Biography

Oleksandr Kyrychok, Hr. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of the NA S of Ukraine

candidate of sciences in philosophy, doctoral candidate


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How to Cite

Kyrychok, O. (2014). Іs It Possible That Kyiv Rus’ Political Writings Will Become a Research Object of the History of Ukrainian Philosophy?. Sententiae, 30(1), 147–153. https://doi.org/10.22240/sent30.01.147






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