The problem of religious meaning in Nikolai Berdyaev’s lectures


  • Elena Kislaya Lugansk Taras Shevchenko National University
  • Natalia Cheker Lugansk National Agrarian University
  • Sergey Titarenko Lugansk National Agrarian University



Berdyaev, meaning of life, love, theocentricism, christocentricism, pnevmacentricism, creative eschatologism


The article deals with the problem of the religious meaning of human life in Berdyaev's philosophy, not yet studied in the research literature. The topic of meaning is considered as arising at a certain stage of Berdyaev's spiritual evolution. The essence of Berdyaev's solution of the problem of meaning  consists in God-human character of the source of meaning. Finding of meaning is connected with spiritual awakening of human being. The meaning reveals itself as the energy of love. Berdyaev, exposing the insufficiency of extremes of pessimistic and optimistic assessment of life, comes to the position of creative Eschatologism.

References Berdyaev L. Occupation: wife of the philosopher [in Russian] / Ed. E. V Bronnikov. – Moscow: Molodaja Gvardija, 2002. – 262 p. Berdyaev N.A. «Elements of Christianity», «Christianity and modernity» [in Russian]. Lecture notes. The last dates: 1925-[1939]. The number of sheets: 62. A method of reproducing: autograph. RGALI (Russian State Archive of Literature and Art). Code number ф. 1496, оп. 1, ед. хр. 57. Berdyaev N.A. «Elements of Christianity», «Christianity and modernity» [in Russian]. Lecture notes. The last dates: 1925- [1939]. The number of sheets: 132. A method of reproducing: manuscript by hand E.Y. Rapp. RGALI. Code number ф. 1496, оп. 1, ед. хр. 58. Berdyaev N.A. «Reading about the meaning of life» [in Russian]. Lecture notes: Excerpts. The last dates: 1935-1936. The number of sheets: 4. A method of reproducing: autograph. RGALI. Code number ф. 1496, оп. 1, ед. хр. 66. Berdyaev N.A. «The main problems of philosophy as knowledge of the meaning of life», «Types of spiritual life» [in Russian]. The last dates: 1935-1936. The number of sheets: 22. A method of reproducing: autograph. RGALI. Code number ф. 1496, оп. 1, ед. хр. 68. Berdyaev N.A. «The main problems of philosophy as knowledge of the meaning of life», «Types of spiritual life» [in Russian]. The last dates: 1935-1936. The number of sheets: 22. A method of reproducing: manuscript by hand E.Y. Rapp. RGALI. Code number ф. 1496, оп. 1, ед. хр. 69.

Author Biographies

Elena Kislaya, Lugansk Taras Shevchenko National University

Post-graduate student of the Сulturology Department

Natalia Cheker, Lugansk National Agrarian University

PhD in philosophy, Associate professor of the Philosophy Department

Sergey Titarenko, Lugansk National Agrarian University

Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Professor, Professor of the Philosophy Department


Berdyaev, L. (2002). Occupation: wife of the philosopher. [In Russian]. Moscow: Molodaya Gvardiya.

Berdyaev, N. A. (1925-[1939]a). Elements of Christianity, & Christianity and modernity: Lecture notes. [In Russian]. N. Berdyaev’s Archive (f. 1496, op. 1, storage unit 57). RGALI. Moscow.

Berdyaev, N. A. (1925-[1939]b). Elements of Christianity, & Christianity and modernity: Lecture notes. [In Russian]. N. Berdyaev’s Archive (f. 1496, op. 1, storage unit 58). RGALI, Moscow.

Berdyaev, N. A. (1935-1936a). Reading about the meaning of life. Lecture notes: Excerpts. [In Russian]. N. Berdyaev’s Archive (f. 1496, op. 1, storage unit 66). RGALI, Moscow.

Berdyaev, N. A. (1935-1936b). The main problems of philosophy as knowledge of the meaning of life, & Types of spiritual life. [In Russian]. N. Berdyaev’s Archive (f. 1496, op. 1, storage unit 68). RGALI, Moscow.

Berdyaev, N. A. (1935-1936c). The main problems of philosophy as knowledge of the meaning of life, & Types of spiritual life. [In Russian]. N. Berdyaev’s Archive (f. 1496, op. 1, storage unit 69). RGALI, Moscow.


Abstract views: 308



How to Cite

Kislaya, E., Cheker, N., & Titarenko, S. (2013). The problem of religious meaning in Nikolai Berdyaev’s lectures. Sententiae, 28(1), 138–150.






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