Heidegger’s interpretation of Rene Descartes’ philosophy


  • Iryna Panteleieva




classical metaphysic, reliability of knowledge, universal doubt, substance


The article reconstructs the arguments of Heidegger's critique of classical metaphysics, in particular Cartesian metaphysics. Heidegger saw Cartesianism as a source of modern metaphysical foundations and related prejudices. The author comes to the conclusion that the main object of Heidegger's criticism is (1) misunderstanding of the ambiguity of Cartesian philosophical instruction; (2) the definition of a human being as cogito; (3) the concept of the world as nature.


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How to Cite

Panteleieva, I. (2002). Heidegger’s interpretation of Rene Descartes’ philosophy. Sententiae, 6(2), 57–76. https://doi.org/10.31649/sent06.02.067






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