Schelling – Classic, Postmodernist and Contemporary


  • Irina Filina Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University



The author considers Schelling`s personality: German philosophy classic and its first historian. She demonstrates postmodern nature of Schelling`s philosophy. As she think, Schelling has been affirming nature`s autonomy and its perpetual interaction with history of philosophy. By criticizing Hegel`s panlogism Schelling has stimulated development of postclassic philosophy core ideas: accidental, auto-important, original, unique, irrational, genius. The author demonstrates, that Schelling`s concept of open system, which perpetually changes, makes him our contemporary.


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How to Cite

Filina, I. (2001). Schelling – Classic, Postmodernist and Contemporary. Sententiae, 3(1), 141–158.






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