Morality in Locke`s Fundamental Human Rights Conception


  • Ruslana Kharkova Admiral Makarov Ukrainian State Maritime Technical University



The article`s goal is to enlighten moral aspect of Locke`s socio-political doctrine in general and his concept of human rights in particular. Locke`s texts are interpreted in comparison with texts of Gobbes. Locke`s natural law is imperative, hence in natural condition are powerful regulators of human behavior: human can be only executor, not the subject, of natural law. In Locke`s creation prominent place is devoted to ideas of protestant theology – from the beginning he recognizes human life essentially transindividual. In conclusion Lock neutralizes total naturalism of his predecessors by postulating transcendental by origin moral.


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How to Cite

Kharkova, R. (2001). Morality in Locke`s Fundamental Human Rights Conception. Sententiae, 3(1), 88–107.






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