B. Pascal and S. Frank: A dialogue through the ages


  • Gennadiy Alyayev Yurii Kondratiuk Poltava Technical University




Christian anthropology, intellectual intuition, religious contexts of anthropological discourses, freedom, grace, Modern philosophy


Blaise Pascal and Semen Frank, the author focuses on the affiliation of both thinkers to confessionally atypical Christian movements: Orthodox "Protestantism" (Frank) and Catholic Jansenism (Pascal). The author proves that the key provisions that express the intersections of doctrines of Pascal and Frank are: 1) the notion of philosophy as a kind of revelation based on intellectual intuition rather than rationalistic deductive inferring; 2) the pivotal character of Christological stories for the constitution of anthropology; 3) the antinomic relation between freedom and grace in the understanding of man.


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How to Cite

Alyayev , G. . (2000). B. Pascal and S. Frank: A dialogue through the ages. Sententiae, 1(1), 160–168. https://doi.org/10.31649/sent01.01.160






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