Light in darkness (towards the ontology of mind in Pascal's philosophy)




rationalism, irrationalism, Modern philosophy, ethical dimensions of the rational


The article examines the ontological status of reason in Pascal's philosophy. This consideration takes place against the background of the debate on whether Pascal's philosophy belongs to either one of the modern traditions: rationalist or irrationalist. The author argues that the ontological dimension of Pascal's concept of mind is determined by: (a) the primacy of the ethical and practical context of human existence; (b) the non-exclusivity of mind as an instance of human agency; (c) the existence of man as a rational being in a non-rational universe. The author comes to the conclusion that it is impossible to unambiguously classify Pascal's philosophy as rationalist or irrationalist, since Pascal's doctrine combines features characteristic of both tendencies.


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Abstract views: 78



How to Cite

Malakhov , V. . (2000). Light in darkness (towards the ontology of mind in Pascal’s philosophy). Sententiae, 1(1), 5–12.






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