Philosophy of Inner Freedom. Long, A. A. (2018). How to be free. An Ancient Guide to the Stoic Life. Epictetus. Encheiridion and Selections from Discourses. Princeton: Princeton University Press.




Stoicism, slavery, happiness


Review of Long, A. A. (2018). How to be free. An Ancient Guide to the Stoic Life. Epictetus. Encheiridion and Selections from Discourses. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Author Biography

Kseniia Myroshnyk, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

undergraduate student, Faculty of Philosophy


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Abstract views: 456



How to Cite

Myroshnyk, K. (2020). Philosophy of Inner Freedom. Long, A. A. (2018). How to be free. An Ancient Guide to the Stoic Life. Epictetus. Encheiridion and Selections from Discourses. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Sententiae, 39(2), 197–206.






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