John Stuart Mill and George Berkeley: an uninvestigated line of the development of British Empiricism




The paper analyzes the system of various lines of historical continuity that link philosophicalsystems of John Stuart Mill and George Berkeley. Berkeley is perceived by Millas the most outstanding figure in the entire previous history of British philosophy. Thishigh estimation gives us a chance to reconsider anew both historical influence of Berkeley’soriginal version of philosophical immaterialism and historically-philosophical rootsof Mill’s own philosophy of consistent phenomenalism.

Author Biography

Oleksiy Panych, Donetsk State University of Informatics and Artificial Intelligence

doctor of sciences in philosophy, Professor


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How to Cite

Panych, O. (2010). John Stuart Mill and George Berkeley: an uninvestigated line of the development of British Empiricism. Sententiae, 22(1), 75–85.






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