Perspectives on Brazilian Philosophy in the Last Century




ufanism, nationalism, pluralism, critical thinking


I present a state-of-the-art Brazilian philosophy from four perspectives: essayism, historiography, decolonial thinking, and primary source research. I don't prioritize the perspectives presented or assess the viability of ideas that have been listed in my paper, as I belief that they are viable and productive. However, it’s does not mean that I do not see the shortcomings of these ideas or do not distinguish them in any way. It is merely a provocation to the reader to get closer to Brazilian authors and philosophical works from the last century. Even if I believe in the viability of Brazilian philosophy, I warn: in fact, not everything that belongs to its realm is viable. After pointing out the main social, economic, and political changes of the 20th century, I list authors and works from this century that show some of the theoretical strength of Brazilian philosophy. From the four perspectives I distinguish three approaches – ufanist, academicist, and critical. Among these approaches, I consider the last one to be the best.

Author Biography

Lúcio Álvaro Marques, Federal University of the Triângulo Mineiro (Uberaba, Brazil)



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How to Cite

Marques, L. Álvaro. (2024). Perspectives on Brazilian Philosophy in the Last Century. Sententiae, 43(2), 55–71.






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