Sense and reference: implications of the theory of experience in the analytical philosophy of language




Logic, name, subject, theory of experience


The author examines the epistemological project of analytic philosophy, which went through stages of transformation marked by the influence of Frege and Russell. The article emphasizes the main points of the first stage of analytic philosophy, during which the sphere of experience merged with language. The next stage defines a new subject - Wittgenstein's "language subject". According to the author, this subject of speech makes decisions about the sense or absurdity of sentences based on logical form and belongs to the transcendental subject of speech in general. But in the end, the epistemological project of analytic philosophy moved to new directions in which questions about experience lost their relevance.


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How to Cite

Minakov, M. (2005). Sense and reference: implications of the theory of experience in the analytical philosophy of language. Sententiae, 12(1), 81–92.






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