Shestov’s Pascal




The article examines the reasons why L. Shestov interpreted Pascal's philosophy as a philosophy of tragedy, as well as those topics of Pascal's philosophy that attracted Shestov's main attention. The author analyzes the themes of death, faith, reason and suffering in Pascal and Shestov works, and comes to the conclusion that these two thinkers oppose scientism and humanism, the importance of the individual and his destiny. The author also proves that Shestov positively evaluated the role of the heart in Pascal's philosophy and Pascal's attempts to destroy the peace of non-believers by expressing the contradiction between the gifts of faith and the impossibility of their rational justification. Shestov’s"Faith as the second dimension of thinking" is similar to Pascal's understanding of "heart" and "faith". Shestov, like Pascal, competes with "history", which is a manifestation of regularities.


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How to Cite

Taranov, S. (2003). Shestov’s Pascal. Sententiae, 9(2), 165–176.






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