Heuristic Aspects of G. Skovoroda’s Dialogical Thinking as a Phenomenon of Critical Mind


  • Vitaliy Darenskiy National Academy of managers in the sphere of Culture and Art




The author considers the heuristic aspects of G. Skovoroda’s dialogical thinking, which are determined by scientific strategy of critical mind. The paper shows that the thoughts of philosopher contain alternative project of “enlightened” mind, which does not brake relations with mystic experience and Cristcentrism of European philosophical tradition, but actualizes that powerful potential of “enlightened” reason’s critic which they contain. Typology of structural levels of dialogue as a philosophical method and as a special method of philosophizing, realized in Skovoroda’s texts, is grounded here.

Author Biography

Vitaliy Darenskiy, National Academy of managers in the sphere of Culture and Art

PhD in philosophy, Research fellow


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How to Cite

Darenskiy, V. (2009). Heuristic Aspects of G. Skovoroda’s Dialogical Thinking as a Phenomenon of Critical Mind. Sententiae, 21(2), 74–88. https://doi.org/10.22240/sent21.02.074






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