Existential Hermeneutics of Luigi Pareyson


  • Viktoriya Berezina Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University




The paper is a commentary to the translation of the Introduction to “Truth and Interpretation” by Luigi Pareyson. It examines the key concepts of Hermeneutical theory advanced by the Italian philosopher, notably the Existential and Christian origination of the concept «person», the distinction between rivelative and expressive thoughts, which is key to Hermeneutics, and, finally, the peculiarities of the Hermeneutical-existential ontology. Having considered the ideas of Heidegger and Gadamer, the author clarifies the differences and similarities between Exestential and Phenomenological Hermeneutics. The two theories share a similar approach to the question of value of truth and the historicity of experience. The distinction, however, lies in the sphere of application of the concept of interpretation and the mover of process of understanding.

Author Biography

Viktoriya Berezina, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University

Master of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy graduate


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Abstract views: 402



How to Cite

Berezina, V. (2012). Existential Hermeneutics of Luigi Pareyson. Sententiae, 26(1), 154–165. https://doi.org/10.22240/sent26.01.154






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